Massenhoven – Van Eyck
Project details
Parties involved: EQOS, CI2000, Elia
Project tags: project management
Hop can share another great milestone! Indeed, we recently completed the first phase of the Massenhoven-Van Eyck project. This phase consisted of pulling a new wire harness between Meerhout and Van Eyck with modern HTLS conductors.
We are extra proud of this project because the project management was highly subject to the aftermath of corona such as delayed deliveries and unavailability of personnel. But thanks to good coordination between EQOS and CI2000, smooth cooperation with Elia and efficient coordination with the various stakeholders, we were able to overcome these obstacles!
The replacement of the high-voltage lines is once again to strengthen the Belgian grid so that more renewable energy sources can be connected, the grid can handle more internal electricity flows and the import and export of electricity between Belgium and the Netherlands is made easier. Milestone one completed; 3 more phases to go.
With thanks to
Adecon bv, Aertssen Group, FERO-SIGNALISATION, Maes Hoogwerkers and Montaco, Mediaco, MPN, NetTech, ProNEGO, RENCAD Lda, Travhydro Belgique, Van Egdom, Fluvius, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, AWV, Police Meerhout, Bouwmaterialen Wijckmans, Police Balen, Infrabel, TucRail, Police Hechtel-Eksel
“We are especially proud of this project because project management was highly subject to the aftermath of corona such as delayed deliveries and unavailability of personnel. ”