Battery storage advice for SMEs
Many companies have invested extensively in wind and solar power and sell some of their excess production on the grid at low injection rates. At times of low production, they are forced to purchase electricity at expensive purchase rates. The current energy crisis has widened this price gap.
Storage systems such as batteries can temporarily store renewable energy so that it can be taken advantage of at other times. Surplus production can be used to partially offset morning peaks or nighttime consumption. The deployment of a battery storage system is site-specific and the feasibility needs to be studied on a site-by-site basis. More and more companies are interested in installing battery storage but do not know where to turn. Hops can help them do that.
The role of hop
House of projects guides companies that want to increase their self-consumption in analyzing industrial battery systems on their site. We help to see the forest for the trees in a new, growing market and support from concept to implementation.
“hop guides companies that want to increase their self-consumption in analyzing industrial battery systems on their site”