Project details
Dates: start of implementation January 2021 to 2023
Project scale: € 29 million
Client/Builder: AWV
Project tags: interface management
AWV is carrying out a thorough makeover of the Woluwelaan (R22) in Machelen. This will not only make the Woluwelaan more accessible, but also safer, more practical and more beautiful. And that for all road users.
Project in the port of Antwerp with many stakeholders: business parks, waterways, Infrabel, city of Antwerp, road authorities. Clear communication and coordination was crucial. This also made the planning of works with impact crucial. Work was carried out around and on busy freeways.
Because of the busy buildings in the port area, the hoisting of large mast sections had to be mapped out in detail and organized with contractors and surrounding companies. Many protections such as scaffolding, cranes and road closures were realized to ensure the works proceeded in complete safety.
The role of hop
On behalf of AWV, hop, together with the communication agency Connect, is responsible for interface management and communication. Adjacent to AWV's project, there are many projects in the neighborhood by partners such as the municipality of Machelen, Uplace, the prison site of Regie der Gebouwen, etc. Hop is in to oversee and coordinate the interfaces between these projects.
“hop is in to oversee and coordinate the interfaces between the projects.”